Did Jesus Condemn Hand Washing?

Did Jesus Condemn Hand Washing?

Perhaps one of the most laughable claims said by skeptics of the Bible is that Jesus condemns hand washing. The claim is rather absurd, but still something important to refute. In the Gospel of Matthew, this is said. "Why do thy(your) disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread," (Matthew 15:2 KJV). In this conflict, the Pharisees "... came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying(read verse 2)," (Matthew 15:1 KJV). In this spot, it seems that the Pharisees are yelling at Jesus and his disciples for not washing their hands. 

Jesus retorts and says, "...Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?" (Matthew 15:3 KJV). The Pharisees are not angered at the absence of hygiene, but that Jesus is not following the Jewish traditions of the time. Jesus retorts noting that this tradition is not enforced by God. He does not claim one should not wash their hands, but that the law of God is more important than the tradition of men. He was trying to tell them a theological point, not some hygenic stance.

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