Does Isaiah 42:1 Refer to an Islamic Prophet?

Does Isaiah 42:1 Refer to an Islamic Prophet?

According to some Muslims, Isaiah promotes Islam in this passage; however, to make this claim, they act in a very deceptive manner.

According to this image, the Hebrew word refers to the Islamic prophet Ahmad. There are many major issues with this claim, but the main one is the name "אחמד" or "akmad" is not used in the text; instead, the word "אֶתְמָךְ" or "etmak" is used. The creator of this image seems to have distorted the Hebrew used in the passage to make it sound like the Islamic prophet Ahmad's name. The actual Hebrew word, "אֶתְמָךְ" merely means "to whom I uphold" or "to whom I support" and is not used as a name.