How Did Lot Know His Wife Became a Pillar of Salt?

How Did Lot Know His Wife Became Salt?

When Lot and his family were escaping Sodom and Gomorrah, we all remember Lot's wife turned back and she became a pillar of salt(Genesis 19:26). The question then becomes, how did Lot and his family know Lot's wife became this way? Some have even claimed it to be a contradiction, today we are going to solve this predicament.

  "But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt," (Genesis 19:26 KJV). Clearly, Lot is of no use in our pursuit here as he was in front of his wife. So who could have seen it? Well, there are still two daughters(Genesis 19:8,30,36) who may have been behind Lot and his wife. There is no real reason to think otherwise as their position in the endeavor is never specified. Even if both daughters were in front of the family for whatever reason, we could as easily assume that God simply told the family. If your wife died, you would most certainly desire to know how she did.

Even if all these things didn't happen, the daughters were in front of him and God didn't want to tell them, it is still possible that Lot and his family could have just gone back to the area where they lost their wife and drawn the conclusion. 

"Weird, is that a massive salt pillar that wasn't there earlier, and that was exactly where she looked back? Huh, guess she just poofed." In the end, the possibility of a contradiction is microscopic with all these possibilities.