Are The Abrahamic Gods The Same?

What Are The Abrahamic Gods?

The three Abrahamic faiths are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. These three world religions surround the Old Testament prophets such as Abraham where it gets the name "Abrahamic". 

Are The Abrahamic Gods The Same?

Christians vehemently note that the classical Jewish God is the Christian one. Jews read what is called the "Tanakh" or our Old Testament. As this is so, the Jewish God is the Christian God, but why do many Jews reject the Trinity? This question has some falsehood as we do see concepts that are similar to Trinitarianism such as the mystic-Jewish belief of the sefirot. Many Christians also will argue that the Trinity is visibile in the Old Testament, but we will ignore that for the moment. One analogy to understand this difference is as goes as follows: the Jewish God is like a broad stroke of the Christian one. Like if you were to take a picture with a camera and a phone. The camera has more details while the phone is a bit blurry or of less quality. Same scene, just different quality. We can use this analogy to more closely understand how the Jewish God can be the Christian one even if many believe their qualities are different. As Christians accept the scriptures Jews do, we conclude that our God must be the same. 

When it comes to Islam, the God Allah is very different from what we see in the Bible. "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah'?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say)..." (Surah Al-Ma'idah(or chapter 5) 116, Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation). In this quote, the Quran notes Mary is Jesus' mother and claims he said he never claimed to be divine. Very obviously, Jesus in the Bible is evident to be God, so this fact seems to confirm the Islamic and Christian God are rather distinct.