Will Humans Become Angels? (Luke 20:36)
Will Humans Become Angels?
In the Gospel of Luke, some have became convinced that humans will become angels after death. The Greek however, has a rather different story. The verse they pull is Luke 20:36 which reads, "Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection," (Luke 20:36 KJV). In this verse, Jesus is speaking with a group of Sadducees who try to trip of Jesus by asking after the resurrection, if someone had multiple husbands(for one died) what would occur(Luke 20:27-34) Jesus replies that like the angels, we will not marry(Luke 20:35).
However, some have distorted the passage to make it seem that we will be angels, claiming the Greek states "for we will be angels" instead of "equal unto the angels." The actual Greek is "ἰσάγγελοι" which may seem parculiar for someone learning Greek, the word looks like the word for angels(άγγελοι) but has a "ἰσ" in front of it. This is because the term actually means like or similar to angels, not simply angels.