What if Harley Quinn Met Jesus?

This story begins when Harley was breaking out of a jewelry store that she had just robbed; as she runs down an alleyway to escape from the scene she runs into a man, bumping him to the floor. Being a semi-kind criminal, she goes to help the man up and apologizes.  Harley then says, "Stay out of my way next time."

The man without wasting a second responds with, "Do you really need to take all those things?"

Harley, a bit confused, responds with, "Well what's it to ya? See I saw this ring and wanted it so bad, that I had to have it, but I decided I'd be best if I took it tonight instead," She then began to ramble on about how when she took one at first, but at the end of the day, she just took everything she could grab.

The man then said, "it seems you just can't get enough."

She'd then say, rather annoyed at this point, "Well who do you think you are? Just 'cause I wasn't sure of what I  wanted doesn't mean I couldn't take all that I could get! Since I was unsure, I took everything, leave it or don't," Harley then begins to leave.

But the man responds to her by saying, "well one, my name is Jesus, but also, I don't think the issue is you taking whatever you want whenever you want, but the issue is you have no idea what it is you truly need so you go for everything trying to find that one thing that would be perfect for you."


 Harly then bursts out in hysterical laughter

Jesus raises a brow

She then says "Look! It's another Mr. J!"

Jesus becomes serious and states, "I am nothing like him."

Not expecting him to be so serious, a shiver quickly goes down her spine. 

"But he does show why you behave the way that you do," Jesus said

Harley then says, "Ya ya, the combination of the love, torture, and abuse, that's how ya get a girl like me. One could say I experience more than a girl ever should, but at the same time I was able to be strong and not be under that guy's thumb anymore; I can do whatever I want, whenever I want! Under Harley's name and not his."

Jesus then said, "Yes, that does show some sort of level of strength, you may be free of him, but are you free of what he's done to you? The things you do are not tendencies of your nature, but of his. This allows you to stay away from him, but yet still reflect him for you feel some comfort in what you do, feeling as though he is still there."

Harley responds with, "Well what do you want, a medal for trying to diagnose me? I'm already a psychologist there's nothing you can tell me that I don't already know."

Jesus then said, "Well that's good, it means you understand that you are broken, we both understand that you have a wound that nothing in this world can heal which is why you try everything and anything to fill that void. Why don't you give me an opportunity to let me fill that void? For a long time, I've seen a void in people's hearts, and all I've wanted to do is help fill it. I'll fill it by filling it with what you need and not what you want. Maybe this way, you can not only tell your daughter not only what you went through, but what you've become."

Thank you christxcomix for creating this and giving us the permission to put this on our site! Check the original video here: (Video)