What If Monkey D. Luffy Met Jesus?

Luffy and his crew once again were again off on an adventure, their boat had sustained damage from their last fight, but they still continued on with their pursuit of adventure. As they continue to travel, they come across a small boat passing them. Chopper, concerned for the safety of the individual for he believed no normal man could survive on such a boat this far out at sea. Chopper turned over to Luffy to ask if they could bring the man aboard. The rest of the crew weren't to keen on the idea, but Luffy, as always, stretched his arms over to the boat latching on and swiftly moving towards the man before thinking more on the possible harm the person many inflict on them. 

"Grab ah'hold!" Luffy said reaching his hand towards the man. The man then took his hand as Luffy pulled the two back off towards his boat.

The rest of the crew then shouts, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" as they've done so many times before. 

Luffy responds with, "What? I was just trying to help the guy out, besides, he could be hungry! Sanji! Fix us some meat!"

The man turns over to Luffy, expressing his gratitude for their help. "Thank you so very much for pulling me aboard, and food would be very nice."

Sanki nods at the two, still hesitant about their new visitor, but he knew he couldn't fight with Luffy over the subject. "Alright, I'll fish you something to eat, but you better not waste a drop of food you got it?!"

The man smiles and nods slightly in agreement.

Luffy then leads the man to the dining room, both sitting down to eat. The food was then served, as Luffy without a second's hesitation began to dig in. The man joined Luffy in their feist. Luffy, with a mouthful of food, begins to converse.

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy, what's your name?"

The man, although a little uncomfortable introduces himself, "My name is Jesus." 

Nami, getting frustrated with Luffy's behavior at the table strikes him with a staff. "Why don't you eat like you have some sense? You're the one that brought this man aboard so act like you have some respect! 

Luffy begins to clean himself off, "Alright alright, you didn't have to hit me, geez!" Luffy then turns back to the man, "Well your name sounds simple enough to remember, I think I can remember Jesus. So what are you doing around these parts?"

"Well, I'm sailing around the world to tell the tales of the man who died to save the world," Jesus then drops a book onto the table, "That story is kept in this book."

"Oh wow! I think I've actually seen that book before, it's that book that warlord Teddy bear guy carries. Ah, but I don't read books, they seem a little boring,"

Bartholomew Kuma

(Holds a Bible)

Jesus Chuckles, "You know, after we finish eating maybe I could tell you a couple of stories out of this book if you like."

"Really? That would be so cool!"

Thank you christxcomix for creating this and giving us permission to put this on our site!