What if Nezuko Met Jesus?

What If Nezuko Met Jesus?

While Tanjiro has been off training, Nezuko has been kept in the company of Urokodaki sensei safely guarded by the Demon Slayer corps.  As they are waiting to administer this so-called test serum on Nezuko Jesus is approaching them after he has just finished speaking with Tanjiro. But as Jesus gets close to the door Nezuko immediately begins to get enraged with Jesus getting closer his presence stirs up the demon blood inside of Nezuko. Urokodaki sensei senses no threat approaching However, he still grabs his blade in preparation for what is to come.  Jesus then walks through the door.

Urokodaki sensei questions Jesus, "what business do you have here?"

He responds by saying, "I've come for the girl."

Urokodaki sensei  then says, " I don't know who or what you are but whatever it is you intend to do with this girl well that happened today." Urokodaki sensei,  yet still confused by Jesus being that he senses no animosity or anything coming off of him.

So Jesus informs him by saying, "I have come to do what you cannot. I've come to deliver her from the demon who possesses her."

Urokodaki sensei begins to think to himself, ' I know not this man or what he plans to do but it doesn't seem as though he's here to threaten her life,  but her reaction seems so aggressive.  I don't understand'

Jesus knows his  confusion,  so he says, " I understand her current reaction makes you uneasy,  I only asked for a moment."  Jesus then glances over at Nezuko.

Nezuko growls in response.

"I am not here to speak with you,  silence."

Nezuko,  while in this demon form growls her last and silence follows.

She quickly returns to her somewhat normal state of being.

Jesus then speaks directly to Nezuko. " you and your brother Tanjiro have a lot in common."

Nezuko responds in the only way she knows how, "hmm."

" you wish to be of help to your brother just as your brother has been of help to you."

Nezuko responds once again with a, "hmm!" as if to say yes.

Jesus then begins to tell nezuko, " you and your brother maybe all that you believe that you have,  but know now,  that these are working with you aren't just here to labor with you but are your family,  and when you two are ready to truly face the Warfare that is taking place against demons,  the war that is happening in the Spiritual Realm, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. You and your brother will come to find me.  However, one thing needs to happen first. 

Jesus then speaks to the demon,  and says only two words, "Come out."

it appears as though the team is flaring up in her again.  Blood begins to run from her eyes,  the scroll drops from her mouth, and the demon blood leaves.  Nezuko then collapses into a deep sleep, falling onto her futon.

Jesus then turns to  the sensei and says, "You may administrate the medicine now,  but this one is now free."

Thank you christxcomix for creating this and giving us the permission to put this on our site!