Can We, As Christians, Have Friends of Other Faiths?

Can We, As Christians, Have Friends of Other Faiths?

Now the short answer to this question is you can, but there is a but. This but nearly being that if they make you sin it shouldn't be(Matthew 5:30). First, to make sure we're all on the same page, I'll be using the Google definition for a friend. The Google definition of friend is, "a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations" ( 2021. Google Define. [online] Available at: <link> [Accessed 23 November 2021]. Now for the examples we see in the Bible. We'll use Jesus and someone else since he is sinless. 

A great place to look towards to help us with this predicament is Paul and Jesus. Now don't be confused, I'm not claiming Paul wasn't saved, but I am claiming that he wasn't always Christian. The Bible literally tells us he persecuted Christians(Acts 8:3, Acts 9:!-2)! Jesus and the other apostles helped Paul find the truth.

One great example would be Nicodemus. Now for those who forgot, Nicodemus was a part of the Sanhedrin(they are kinda like leaders of the Jewish faith). Very obliviously, Nicodemus was Jewish. In the Bible we see Nicodemus and Jesus chatting. Throughout this short session, Nicodemus even asks Jesus questions(John 3:1-21). Sure some could debate this wasn't a friendship, but at the very least I'm sure we can all agree it was close to one.

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