What if Chakuro Met Jesus?

I see this scene with Chakuro crying at the death of someone on the mud whale. As he runs off to try to calm down, he runs straight into a man. He quickly wipes his tears and bows quickly in an attempt to apologize for his action. “I’m so sorry about that! I was just... I know we’re not supposed to cry… It’s just so hard you know?!”

The man smiles and says, “We all have emotions, no one can ignore them… Even I cried after a friend’s death.”

Chakuro looks up at the man, “I’m sorry, who are you?” He says rather puzzled.

“Well, I am Jesus. I died for you and every other person on this planet to allow people to be saved and live for eternity in Heaven.” 

“You mean… There really is a place after you die?” He asked in relief. 

“And you don’t even have to work for it,” Jesus said.

“Huh?! That sounds far too good to be true!” Chakuro said shocked.

“Yet it is.”

“There is no catch?” 

“All you must do is believe in me and ask for forgiveness, it is that easy.”

“That’s amazing!” 

Jesus then gave Chakuro a book, this book being the Bible. 

Chakuro lit up. Since he had hypergraphia, an overwhelming urge to write, he loved to read books for inspiration. He opened the book and quickly fell in love with the story plot. When he looked back up, the man had vanished.