Supposed Bible Contradictions

Supposed Bible Contradictions

People love to claim that there are contradictions in the Bible, but are they right? Well on this page we debunk the many "contradictions" people bring up. Make sure to email us if you have one for us to cover!

Could Jesus Have Died For Our Sins? (Deuteronomy 24:16) Debunked!

Could Jesus Have Died For Our Sins? (Jeremiah 31:30) Debunked!

Could Jesus Have Died For Our Sins? (Psalm 49:7) Debunked!

Does Genesis 22:1 and James 1:13 Contradict? Debunked!

Does God Tempt Us? Debunked!

Does God Live in The Dark or The Light? Debunked!

Does Lev 24:19-21, Ex 21:23-27, and Dt 19:21 Contradict Mt 5:38-39, Ro 12:17-19, & 1 Th 5:15? Debunked!

Does Mark 16:8 and Matthew 28:8/John 20:2 Contradict? Debunked!

Does 1 Timothy 2:14 & Romans 5:12 Contradict? Debunked!

Does 1 Corinthians 15:34 & 1 Timothy 1:17 Contradict? Debunked!

Does 2 Chronicles 36:9 & 2 Kings 24:8 Contradict? Debunked!

Does 2 Kings 8:26 & 2 Chronicles 22:2 Contradict? Debunked!

Does Leviticus 12:3 & Galatians 5:2 Contradict? Debunked!

Does Mark 15:26, Matthew 27:37, Luke 23:38, & John 19:19-20 Contradict? Debunked!

Does Mark 15:23, Matthew 27:48, Luke 23:36, John 19:29-30 Contradict? Debunked!

Has Anyone Seen God? Debunked!

How Did Judas Die? Debunked!

King or Pharaoh of Egypt? Debunked!