Why Doesn't God Reveal Himself? 

Why Doesn't God Reveal Himself? (Divine Hiddenness)

Now, it should be noted before this is tackled that we aren't denying the many times God came down, more of why he doesn't come down now and prove himself to the mass. A fair argument, especially when using it to attack Christianity, but let us debunk it, or at the very least give points that seem likely for why this is so. 

The first reason why it is likely is it can bring greater goods. Now, what do I mean by this? Well, let me use a quick analogy. Let us say a man gets shot in war, this is a bad thing as we all can agree. The effects of his death bring mourn upon the family and friends, perhaps driving someone to suicide. Now, let us say this man was Hitler. Ironically, Hitler was let go by a soldier, and we all know what he then did... Now his death may have cons, but there would be great pros in the same. One may not be certain on what these effects are, but they still could have happened. The same perhaps is true about God. Sure, him not revealing himself has cons, but it also may have great pros. We know that God wants a relationship with us, so perhaps if he appeared one could fear him stopping this, or perhaps people would become Pharisees, we can't be certain, but it certainly is possible.

Another point is that it likely wouldn't make all believe. We know this by examples of Judas, or the people who worshipped the golden cow once Moses left.

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